Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mozambique, Political Unrest, and God's Awesome Promises!

Hi All!
Just wanted to give you a quick update on all that has been going on in the past few weeks.
God has been SO incredibly faithful in answering prayers during this stressful time of preparation and WORK. I've been working full-time in Home Healthcare (which alone, is a HUGE answer to prayer!) and have now entered into my last 4 weeks in America! It is unbelievable how quickly the time disappears.

I was finally able to purchase my plane ticket after a month of work, and my visa was approved in RECORD time by the South African Embassy - praise the Lord! This weekend I found out that following my training in South Africa, our team will head to the country of Mozambique and begin work in clinics and hospitals! I am thrilled at the places the Lord is going to take us and the ways he will surely use us to heal and bring hope! What an absolute honor it is to be used by the Creator of the Universe in these nations so desperate for love and hope!

I’ve been informed that some of my fellow students from the countries of Cameroon and Nigeria are struggling to be granted their visas, and I’d like to ask that you would join me in praying often for these brothers and sisters! Let’s pray, in FAITH, that God will do some major miracles and work out all of the governmental issues. I know that the Lord has HUGE plans for each one of these students, and I have faith that nothing can stand in the way of God’s will!

Please also join me in lifting up the political situation in South Africa. There have been numerous incidents of foreigners being assaulted and killed recently. Please pray for their families and for the safety of the rest of the foreign population living in the country – as well as for my fellow missionaries and myself as we arrive at the beginning of July. That there will be no issues and that the Lord would protect us as we travel to the base.

As far as finances go, God has been teaching and challenging me to truly claim the promises he has given us in his word as I learn to rely on Him for my every need. I have especially been blessed by Ephesians 3:20, which is the promise God has given us that He can do immeasurably more than we will ever ask or imagine, according to his power at work within us! What an amazing and powerful thing to be able to declare as I trust God and ask him to do miracles to provide the money I need! After my medical training this fall, I will be joining the missions staff in South Africa and working, without pay, in the clinics. For this reason, I will be in need of financial support in order to live and serve on the mission field. Please join me in asking God to display his awesome power and authority in bringing about brothers and sisters willing to commit to monthly support. I have total faith that, as he has promised, the Lord will do immeasurably more than I could ever ask or imagine!

If you feel led to give, even if it is just $5 a month, I would be SO very blessed, and your support will contribute to bringing healthcare to the neediest people and nations!

For support donations:
Katherine Doud
Wells Fargo Bank
Acct #: 1276964481

Or By Check:
Payable to Katherine Doud
Can be sent to:
1620 Buckeye Street
Fort Collins, CO. 80524

May God richly bless your week, and please let me know how I can be praying for you this summer! I fly to Africa on the 30th of June, but I would love to see you before then!

Living in His promises,

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