Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Blessings to you ALL from Worcester!

The past few weeks have been absolutely MARVELOUS! Classes began on the 4th (no mention of U.S. Independence Day here) and we were, in NO way, ‘eased-into’ things. Our days are bursting with lectures, work duties, studying, presentations, performing full medical examinations on anyone we can get our hands on… and in all of the “free-time” we have, we’re expected to be studying for our weekly exams and writing lesson plans for all of the health teachings we will be doing! And can safely say that I have done more intense learning and practice in 2 weeks here, than I did in 2 MONTHS at University!
God has been SO faithful in renewing my strength (especially as I am battling sickness this week) and His mercies truly are new every morning! He has also brought INCREDIBLE blessing through relationships! I have never in my life experienced SO many friendships built in such a small amount of time. We are such a unique and beautiful family here, as more than 100 students from all over the world live together in this splendid “home.” (not to mention the other 200 people living on the base!) God has given me so many amazing brothers and sisters – many from Africa, a few from Korea, and a LOAD of Brazilians! My Health Care school only consists of 7 students, but the rest of the base if filled with English Language School students and various other schools as well, so all of our free time is spent together – playing FĂștbol, learning each others’ languages, eating other cultures’ foods, and (for us medical students) seeking out “victims” for our physical examination quota each week!
Last Friday, our team took a combi (van) into Zwelithemba – the most impoverished squatter camp community in all of Worcester. We were there to survey the health and sanitation conditions, but let me tell you, it was truly a heartbreaking morning. There is such incredible devastation in the black community of South Africa, and the need is absolutely unfathomable (especially to us Westerners). Our team will have a lot of interaction with this specific community in the coming 2 months – giving vaccines, working in the clinic, and giving health teachings. Please pray for openness among the people of Zwelithemba, and for wisdom for our team as we seek out creative and practical ways to reach them. The prevalence of HIV in this community is ENORMOUS. Please also pray for strategies in health education, as we will be taking every possible opportunity to present teachings of the causes, dangers, and prevention of this deadly disease! Please pray for financial breakthrough among our team of students. Nearly half of them made it here to South Africa on God’s grace alone, and have absolutely NO money to pay their school fees. They simply made a huge leap of faith, and are trusting that God will provide! Pray for their fundraising and for miracles! And lastly, I would be so blessed if you would pray for my physical and emotional strength over the next 2 and a half months of training. The work load is unbelievable, and stress is quickly building, but please pray that I would do all in the Lord’s strength! He is my sustainer, and the only reason I am here!
Please keep YOUR updates coming as well! It blesses me SO very much to hear what is going on in your lives, and how I can continue praying for each of you!

Praise the Lord for His awesome plans and His sweet, sweet mercies!
Love you all!

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