Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hello my dear ones!

I pray you are all having a splendid day, and enjoying the last beautiful moments of August! It’s so strange to be in the middle of a winter storm, and hear updates from home about summer travels and adventures and the return to classes! I love being reminded of all that the other half of the world is experiencing, and I miss you all SO very much!

Life at the base has been full, to say the least, but simply beautiful. We are in full-throttle, gearing up for our travels to the bush of Mozambique, and packing more and more medical knowledge into our ever-expanding minds. However, we are not only studying, but have now begun actually doing! Spending many hours performing physical examinations on patients and traveling around Worcester, serving and practicing our skills. We spent part of last week at the blood transfusion clinic, studying and testing in an awesome healthcare setting, and recently returned from an afternoon in the slums, providing wound care at a gathering of more than 200 children. Our practical exams took place last week as well, where we spent 4 hours demonstrating all of our skills and knowledge – caring for and treating patients, as well as diagnosing diseases and conditions. It was nerve-wracking but an excellent beginning to all that we will be doing in the field next month! We’ve begun our last four weeks in South Africa, and it is mind-boggling how quickly time has flown by! But to be honest, I have struggled a bit during this lecture phase, to be patient during this time of preparation. My heart is eager to begin loving on the people of Mozambique, and my hands burning to bring them the healing that they are crying out for!

And thank you SO much to all of you who have emailed prayer requests! I have had so many sweet times of prayer for you and will continue to intercede constantly for those things!

Please pray for continued health and unity of our team, as well as financial breakthrough for numerous students who are still struggling to pay their fees for outreach! We are standing with them in faith as the time of our departure draws near.

All my love,


“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever!”

~Romans 11:36

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