Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Outreach has finally arrived! Tomorrow is our final day on the base, as we finish preparations for our journey. We will be spending the next 3 weeks living in a squatter camp here in South Africa called Kysne (pronounced Nigh-zna), and working with a massive population of HIV victims. Much of this time will be spent in the HIV clinic, in the maternity ward, as well as working with street kids and in a preschool of HIV-positive children. It will be a very challenging and heart-wrenching period of time, but we are SO thrilled to have the opportunity to bring HOPE to these people! To show them unconditional love and just be there to listen to their struggles and pain. And it will be a life-changing experience, living in the shacks with these families during our time in the camp! The chances of us having access to electricity are quite slim, so updates will not be easy. But we will attempt to send out a team update every few weeks (technology permitting) from the address : So watch for news, as we are EXPECTANT that God is going to do HUGE things during this time!
Following our weeks is Kysne, we’ll embark on a 5-day journey to northern Mozambique, where we will spend 5 weeks in the bush. Our team will work in the bush health clinic, as well as give many health teachings in the villages and schools. This period of time, as well, is going to be filled with unbelievable challenges and opportunities to bring healing to a desperate people! Praise the Lord for the chance to go where healthcare is nearly non-existent, and to love, love LOVE on these villagers! Please pray for safety, financial breakthrough (as many students are still struggling to pay their expenses), and God’s AWESOME grace as we deal with corruption on the borders and in travel plans. Thank you for trusting in the Lord alongside of us, and joining in this spectacular journey through your NEEDED and powerful prayers!

Looking forward to the next update!

Walking by Faith,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmm... just mmmm