Thursday, July 3, 2008


I have made it to Africa!

Hope all is well with everyone! Miss you guys already!!

Praise the LORD I had 2 very smooth (yet LONG) flights, and a lovely afternoon in London! God provided SO graciously for safe travels, and I was greeted with loving, open arms when I arrived at the base yesterday!

South Africa is GORGEOUS, and like a DREAM!! We are surrounded by MASSIVE, Majestic mountains, and I joyed in my first African RAIN this afternoon! It is absolutely lovely here! And COLD!!! Let me tell you - I have not worn less than 3 coats, a scarf and gloves since I arrived - and that is INDOORS!! It is definitely winter here, and MUCH colder than I ever thought AFRICA could be! But I love it! I'll be thinking about all of you in Colorado when you are hit with this HOT SUMMER and wishing I could send you some of our Cold weather!

Classes begin tomorrow afternoon, and I am thrilled to commence with the next step of this grand adventure!

This base is AMAZING! And SO very different from Argentina! I share a room with 2 girls (still waiting on the 3rd to arrive) and they are from Nigeria and Ghana. Our class will only be 7 IN TOTAL (and only 1 guy!) but I think it is truly going to be a blessing to have such a small size. However, the rest of the base is a totally different story! There are about 6 other schools going on at the same time, and a few giant teams of youth visiting for the next few weeks as well! So this place is PACKED! SO many different cultures and LANGUAGES! My favorite group is the load of Brazilians that are here for the next year studying English! My Portuguese is improving like lightning, and actually ran into a kid who I previously met in Argentina for a short time! I’ve also begun to learn French and Africaans in order to better communicate with my classmates! There’s only one other person from the States here, so it is awesome to get to know all of the other cultures! As most of your know, I absolutely thrive in situations like this, where I can use my language skills and learn new ones, and really just love on everyone around me! God is SO GOOD!

I will definitely keep you all posted as we begin to delve into our studies and see God moving in incredible ways!

And yes, mom – we CAN drink the water!


~“Kate the American”(as they all call me here)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmm... BABY !
that is so GOOD!!!!
ia sm so happy for you!!!
God is so good doing all in your life, me encanta ver como DIOS padre esta haciendo lo que EL planifico desde la eternidad para tu VIDA !!!! TE AMO y mis oraciones estan con VOS!!!!
TU ETY!!!!!